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PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:37 pm 
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This topic thread is for all information, logistics and reviews regarding clothing-optional beaches in the general San Francisco area, including Baker Beach, San Gregoria, Muir Beach and Bonny Doon.


In general, the State of California has now specific laws that prohibit public nudity relegating any enforcement of anti-nudity laws to local jurisdictions or government agencies with oversight of the public areas in question.

Legality of Public Nudity in San Francisco:

Prior to 2013, it was not uncommon to see complete public nudity in San Francisco, particularly in the Castro District or along Market Street (SF's main downtown boulevard). However, in 2013, a City/County ordinance became effective by the elected officials (6-5 vote) that effectively banned the display of ones genitals or anal areas in public when involved in everyday activities. However, the ordinance specifically allows that certain scheduled events wherein permits are obtained may allow for full, complete nudity.

What this means is confusing, not only to nudists, but some of the police, who we all know will many times use their own interpretation of the law when enforcing it. Here's a legal review:

Golden Gate University Law Review - San Francisco Nudity Ban

Beach Nudity:

Regardless of any overarching ordinances that indicate that full nudity is prohibited on public beaches in the San Francisco region, it nonetheless has occurred unabated for decades on certain beaches. To my knowledge, there has never been any arrests or citations in connection with full nudity on these beaches.

Baker Beach/Golden Gate Bridge Beach:

Because baker GG Bridge Beach are virtually contiguous, they are presented in this same category.

Baker Beach is a public beach on the peninsula of San Francisco, California, U.S.. The beach lies on the shore of the Pacific Ocean to the northwest of the city. It is roughly a half mile (800 m) long, beginning just south of Golden Gate Point (where the Golden Gate Bridge connects with the peninsula), extending southward toward the Seacliff peninsula, the Palace of the Legion of Honor and the Sutro Baths. The northern section of Baker Beach is frequented by clothing-optional sunbathers.

Crowd: According to the SF Bay Guardian, on the hottest afternoons on weekends, one can expect to see over 100 people at any given time laying out on the beach. While women beach-goers seem to have been on the increase in recent years, there's still a heavy male to female ratio at Baker, where you'll find a wide range of humanity. There's also a large LGTB element attracting mostly gay males, which will skew the male-to-female ratio even further.

Baker Beach Negatives: The beach is hit with cold blasts of wind coming in from the icy freezing waters for which the Bay is renowned. This creates a fog layer that "socks-in" the coast making it miserable even during summer months; however, during the warmer months, the fog often "burns off" by noon. In addition, during tourist season the small parking lots fill quickly so you'll need to get there early to find a spot. In addition, there was an increased visit by rangers in 2008 and 2009 after several reports of sexual activity in the beach bathroom and near middle Baker, where the nude area begins.

Baker Beach Positives: When the sun is out and the beach is not blistering cold, it becomes very public. Tourists from all over the world walk northward to get a close-up glimpse of the beginning of the Golden Gate. This, combined with the normal, local textile crowd provides more than ample opportunity for CFNM enthusiasts to get a great real-life experience that is normal and appropriate for the C/O stretch of beach, making the experience guilt-free for the average exhibitionist or female voyeur. It is also the largest nude beach in the Americas that is situated in an urban environment.

Golden Gate Bridge Beach (a.k.a. Marshall's Beach) is immediately north of Baker Beach and lies between Baker and the Golden Gate Bridge. It is distinguished from Baker Beach in that access and parking are different.

GG Bridge Beach Negatives: According to the SF Bay Guardian, "On the hottest days, Golden Gate Bridge Beach becomes so packed with people that one visitor describes it as a 'gay mob scene'." But the rocky shore, which connects three picturesque coves, is starting to see more straight men and women. Due to the difficulty in accessing this beach from the south (jutting rock precipices prevent easy access from Baker), there isn't the vast number of crowds walking along the beach checking out the nudists - which is both good and bad. Also, it's difficulty in getting access also makes it a prime spot for gay sexual activity....again, maybe a pro if it's your orientation. In addition, the small beach frontage combined with the large weekend crowds make for an uncomfortably crowded beach area.

GG Bridge Beach Positives: Prime, non-cruising activities include sunbathing, enjoying breathtaking views of the Bridge, and even taking some dips in the water. "You can sometimes go out over 100 feet during low tide," says a woman. Also, if you are fortunate to find yourself amidst hetero clothed females, my experience is that it is a very erection-friendly beach, and a lone naked guy can parade about flopping/bouncing a stiffy in front of others without ridicule or concern, although be prepared to be approached by gay men expecting your display is a mating call (SF Guardian indicates nude men often feel like "a piece of meat on display").

Baker/GG Bridge (Marshall's) Beach Images:



An animated gif - a very CFNM moment at Baker Beach

Another Baker Beach Review

If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever. ~ Thomas Aquinas

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:14 pm 
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San Gregoria Beach


Located in San Mateo County about 35 miles (30 min to 1 hour depending on traffic) south of San Francisco, San Gregorio Beach is considered the longest-run nude beach in the US. It first saw full nudity in 1966, and has never stopped. Although the beach front itself is publicly owned by the State of California, all the land encompassing it is privately owned with the owner charging an entrance fee. The beach is known for accumulation of large pieces of driftwood, which is often utilized to create makeshift structures to block the wind and view from others. This in turn creates what is called "sex condos", and it is thus common for a lot of sexual activity to be occurring within the structures - which can be seen from atop the adjacent hill if one has the right vantage point.

The structures combined with the private ownership of the accessing roads allow more freedom for open sexual activity. This in turn has attracted a large number of gay men "trolling" for sex - according to the SF Bay Guardian "San Gregorio has, over the years, become mostly a gay hangout and pickup spot." Regardless, I have personal experiences knowing heterosexual women that have told me it is their favorite spot for beach sex, and know of hidden camera videos floating around on the Internet showing nude couples, without the use of the driftwood structures, having open sex on the beach for all to watch as nude men gather around and masturbate. For the pervs and kinksters, this sounds erotic - but it also has the unwanted affect of driving off the coeds and other groups of females over the years.

You'll find caves, cliffs, driftwood structures (common practice is to hang a t-shirt over a pole to indicate a structure is occupied), and a beach full of clean, rolling sand. On the warmest days 50 to 200 visitors may be spread thinly along the sprawling beach, which is so large it never feels crowded.

According to the SF Bay Guardian, a reader name Paul reported: "The wide open spaces give one the feeling of being very alone. I was surprised, though, that even on warm weekends there were almost no heterosexuals in sight." On the south end of the beach, there are sometimes dozens of straight couples and families, both naked and clothed. Gay men tend to hang out on the north side.


[ur=]San Gregorio Beach - Trip Advisor Reviews[/url]

Conclusion: If the weather is good both north in San Francisco and San Gregoria Beach, I'd not make the trip to SG but instead hit Baker Beach or GGB. But if you are not homophobic and don't mind being part of a mostly gay male group, and, if you're interested in observing or participating in open sexual counters, San Gregorio might be a fun place. And if you live in the region, you should at least check it out at sometime if for no other reason to be able to say "been there...done that".

Please feel free to post your personal experiences in this thread.

If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever. ~ Thomas Aquinas

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:52 pm 
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Muir Beach


Muir Beach is actually outside of San Francisco County in Marin County. However, it is very close to San Francisco being just about five miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge. The beach is mostly used by textile beach-goers, but there is a small, lovely semicircular cove with, in most years, excellent sand nude sunbathing. SF Bay Guardian reported that on a weekday in June, there were about 20 people were on the sand. But expect more than 100 visitors on warmer summer days. Usually, though, summer Sundays produce a crowd of 30-40 nudists. My personal experience is that this beach has a larger cross-section as opposed to San Gregorio, which is mostly gay. Straights, gays, singles, couples, families, seniors, young people, and others share Muir, which has a less social atmosphere than nearby Red Rock.

My personal experience was that the nudist stretch was used very little whereas those just south on the textile side, which is separated by some rocks, there was a decent crowd. Because the textile users like to use the entire beach to stroll, the confluence of clothed and nude beach users is strong. This creates an environment for casual CFNM that both men and women can enjoy. However, the crowds are nothing compared to Baker Beach.

Because the beach is lined with beach cottages owned by private homeowners, there has been a concern voiced about the nudity and sometimes open sex and masturbation. Because of this, its legal status has not been guaranteed, so check before you go. There are also issues about inadequate parking, so it's best to go earlier in the day.


Report on Muir Beach

Please post any stories you may have coming from your own personal experience.

If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever. ~ Thomas Aquinas

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 1:14 am 
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Bakers beach - May/June 2019 update

Brad’s report on Bakers beach was mostly consistent with my latest experience. Despite the usual June gloom I managed to find three sunny and warm days at the end of May and start of June. Because the weather is often cloudy, foggy, and/or with a cold wind, if you do happen upon a warm sunny day then Baker beach will become quite busy, especially on a weekend afternoon.

I have mixed views on baker beach for cfnm. And three visits isn’t a great sample size.

The beach is long and west facing. There are several access points along the beach, ranging from short flat walks at the southern end to the famous sand ladder (a steep sandy staircase) at the northern end. The best restrooms are at the second car park from the south (there are unpleasant porta potties at the first car park).

The southern end of the beach is clothed and becomes progressively more nude as you travel north. It was not obvious to me where the boundary was, but there were no naked people for the first half of the beach, and probably about 70% nude up against the cliff at the northern end. In between there is the weird and wonderful mix of humanity common to San Francisco, with some variation of acrobatics, juggling, hula hoops, frisbee, volleyball, yoga, and more. There also seems to be a lot of photo shoots, including several wedding parties trying to capture photos with the bridge in the background.

Clothed tourists, including lots of Asian tourists, walk the length of the beach to climb the rocks at the northern end and take a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge.

The water is cold, and frequently polluted (especially after heavy rain). The nude section of the beach isn’t really long enough to warrant a long stroll in the way that you might at Blacks beach in San Diego. And the wind is least if you’re right against the cliff, not down on the shore where the clothed tourists walk. This means that the “real” nudists tend to keep to themselves up high on the beach, and the tourists walk clothed along the shoreline. That is, except for the exhibitionists who either stand on the shore to be seen by tourists, or else set up their towels where the beach narrows at the far north end where people climb on the rocks.

As Brad points out, it can be very public. Which I usually like. But while I’m sure there are lots of great cfnm experiences had here, I’m not sure what to make of it. I think consent is very important- and most of the tourists are not there to see nudists. In fact, in the absence of any signs, they can often seem quite surprised to see anyone naked. And because the logical place for nudists is away from the tourists, it seemed like a deliberate and imposing act to occupy the area near the rocks and force people so squeeze by who just want to take a picture of a bridge.

I mostly sat up in the soft sand away from most of the clothed tourists. To my surprise, there were a number of clothed voyeurs who seemed to intentionally walk in this area and came very close to laying naked people. And a few clothed groups who sat amongst the nudes, including two goth-ish girls in their twenties who chatted to me for much of one afternoon.

So, in all, I’d say it’s a mixed opportunity for cfnm. I’m interested in other people’s views on this and whether I’m overthinking the issue of consent.

Marshall beach

June 2019

I also checked out Marshall beach, just north of Baker beach, but only the once. Once was enough. There are several small coves, mostly rocky. The first cove was clothed tourists, and some people (presumably nude) in the stone condos at the back of the beach. The second cove was all men, all naked. The third cove was all men, in various stages of getting to know one another very well. In all I didn’t see any cfnm opportunities, but your results may vary.

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